Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Emma and her Elf

Our dear friends, Jenny & Catie, turned us on to a wonderful tradition -- Host an Elf. Each year, a few weeks before Christmas, an elf ( our's is named Glitter) comes for a visit. She always manages to get into all kinds of mischief while we are asleep at night. Emma has so much fun trying to find out what Glitter has been up to during the night. You really need to check out the website, even if you don't have kids of your own. They have created a wonderful project called "An Elf from Catie" that supplies children with cancer in the hospital over the holidays with an elf of their very own.

Emma and Glitter

BIIIG hugs!

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Emma's First Recital

Emma had her first dance recital on Sunday. Of course, she was the best dancer on stage! Well, maybe she didn't have the best technique, but she was beautiful and quite humorous! She paid attention better than she does at home. She did wander across the stage once or twice, but her Daddy and I thought she was wonderful. And of course, the grandparents thought she was PERFECT.

Getting ready back stage.

Actually, that is pretty good technique, isn't it!

Look out, Mary Lou!

Emma and Caitlyn ... what a pair!

But the best part of the night was getting flowers from Daddy!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was full of travel and adventure (cars getting towed, flat tires, football games in the rain) but it was wonderful all the same. Plus we made it though all the travel safe and sound. You can't ask for much more than that.
Emma ate like a little pig on Thanksgiving ... turkey, cranberry sauce (her favorite), mashed potatoes (she made them), stuffing, green beans and, of course, pumpkin pie! She cleaned her plate!

Showing off the hat that Nana made her.

Hi Daddy!

Back off my peanut butter, Rebel!
Yes, that's right.....he's back!