Back in November, Robb, Emma and I went to the
Chimp Haven, The National Chimpanzee Sanctuary here in Shreveport. It is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide lifetime care for chimpanzees who have been retired from medical research, the entertainment industry, and pets that are no longer wanted. They care for over 100 chimps, providing exceptional medical care and NO RESEARCH! Their primary goal is to give the chimps the chance to live out their life in peace and comfort. They are only open to the public one weekend a month during warm weather. It was a great day - we enjoyed some quality family time together outside, and learned about some amazing animals in the process. In my opinion, this is one of the few things that Bill Clinton did right.
Emma and Daddy - You are separated from the chimps by a moat. |
One of the older chimps. |
This building houses many items that have been confiscated from illegal poachers. |
Digging for termites .... Yummy! |
One of my favorite pictures! |
Having fun! |
Petting an alligator. |
Digging for ..... Tootsie Rolls! :) |