Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our First Born

Georgia Clay, Clay Doggie, Sweet Girl, Pup, Pooper .... she goes by many names, but none of them adequately explain the love Robb and I feel for her. We have had her longer than we have been married. That's right, don't tell her, but she was born out of wedlock! :) But she is just as much a part of our family as Emma is. Robb gave to me as a Valentine's Day present, but from the very first Slim Jim they shared in the car on the way home she has been Robb's dog 100%. I know she loves me, and like most kids, she wants Mama when she needs something (like going outside at 3:00 in the morning). But she and Robb will always be best buds!

Our Little Mermaid!

Emma has always loved taking her bath, but lately she has gotten pretty brave about it. She is definately a water baby .... oh, sorry. A water "Big Girl!"